Engineer, Mad Scientist, inventor, and YouTube personality, James Hobson, also known as The Hacksmith, has created a human exoskeleton that enables him to curl 275 pounds. He also has now developed a lower body exoskeleton that enables him to lift a car clear off the ground.
Not satisfied with his national television appearance where he successfully cured the 275 barbell, Hobson stage a second feat, this time using the lower portion of his newest exoskeleton design, to help him lift a 2,524 pound MINI Cooper.
The exoskeleton uses compressed air to extend pistons connected to Hobson's legs. As he straightens his legs the car is lifted. This is just the lower half of the suit, so Imagine what he will be able to do when the entire thing is complete and perhaps a bit more neatly packaged.
As neat as this is and despite all the potential uses of such a thing, its a lot of trouble to go through just to lift a MINI Cooper. We all know that all it really takes is a handful of inebriated college students!
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